After finishing their working day, thousands of Soviet citizens attend classes at institutes and special secondary schools. These are students of extra-mural institutes and technical schools, and they acquire higher education while working.
The training at extra-mural institutions is very good. Extramural students are all skilled workers, technicians and foremen who know and like their jobs. They find it much easier to study special subjects closely linked with their work. Their graduation work often makes a valuable contribution to research and industry.
Extra-mural education in the USSR is arranged in such a way as to make training as easy as possible and to bring tuition nearer to the factories where the students are employed. This is achieved with the help of an extensive network of branches and consultation and training centres throughout the country. These centres arrange lectures, seminars and laboratory tests, give consultations, and so on. Every extr
a-mural student has to do a number of tests during his course, and finally he takes his exams, presents his thesis, and receives his diploma.
Students are provided with all the necessary aids.
Besides this the extra-mural students receive state benefits. They are entitled to additional holidays with full pay: 30 days a year for first- and second-year students and 40 days a year for third-year . students and above. This extra time off is to enable them to do laboratory work and to take their tests and their higher- and sec* ondary-school diplomas. A further thirty days are granted to students taking final examinations; four months are given for writing and presenting a thesis in the case of higher schools, and two months in the case of special secondary schools.
Factory and office managers are allowed to give extra-mural students one or two days a week off without pay for ten study months before they write their theses. The fares to the educational establishment where the students do laboratory work, take their annual examinations, prepare and present their yearly projects, or take final examinations are paid by their factory or office.
Senior extra-mural students can have an extra month’s unpaid holiday, during which they receive the usual state grant. Students who have to take entrance exams are entitled to 10-15 days unpaid j holiday, not including the time it takes them to travel to the educational establishment and return to the place of their work.
Фонетические упражнения к каждому уроку, озаглавленные Phonetic Drill, рассчитаны на умение учащегося самостоятельно прочитать слово, руководствуясь правилами чтения или транскрипцией. Поэтому они начитываются преподавателем на магнитную ленту следующим образом: пауза, в которую учащийся читает слово по учебнику, слово-образец для прослушивания, пауза для повторения и снова слово-образец, чтобы у учащегося осталось в памяти правильное звучание иностранного слова.
Тексты записываются с целью выработки навыка чтения связного текста. Поэтому рекомендуется следующий порядок записи текста: чтение всего текста преподавателем, затем чтение текста по предложениям. Предложение-образец, пауза для повторения предложения учащимся, повторение предложения-образца и снова пауза для правильного окончательного чтения предложения.
Из упражнений основных уроков на магнитную ленту следует записан» упражнения типа: «ответьте на вопросы», «выполните указанные действия», «переведите на английский (русский) язык». Ключ дается после паузы для проговаривания.
Для развития навыков говорения и понимания речи на слух в помощь преподавателям можно рекомендовать еще следующие типы упражнений, которые, в основном, строятся на лексико-грамматическом материале урока.