Причастие I в английском языке — примеры, упражнения
Причастие I (Participle I) в английском языке является причастием действительного залога и соответствует русским формам причастий на -щий, -щийся:
- the girl driving a car — девушка, управляющая машиной;
- the boy reading a book — мальчик, читающий книгу;
- the man writing a letter — мужчина, пишущий письмо.
Сравните с Причастием II: a play written by Shaw — пьеса, написанная Шоу.
Participle I может переводиться на русский язык деепричастным оборотом:
Reading an English book I learn a lot of new words. — Читая английскую книгу, я узнаю много новых слов.
1. Образуйте причастия I от глаголов, переведите их на русский язык причастиями настоящего времени и деепричастиями.
To look (at), to write, to watch ( TV), to sit, to stand, to switch on, to read, to play, to switch off.
Обратите внимание на то, что в русском языке нельзя образовать деепричастие от глагола ‘писать’.
2. Переведите без словаря и определите функции причастия I.
1. A chemical element is a substance consisting of one type of atom. 2. A thermometer, a voltmeter, an ammeter are measuring instruments. 3. You must learn this simple welding operation. 4. The boiling point for water is 100°C.
We live in a nice neighbourhood.
There are blocks of flats on both sides of the street. Our building has five storeys. We live on the second floor. We have a large three-roomed flat.
There is a sitting-room, my room and my parents’ bedroom in the flat. Besides there is a kitchen and a bathroom. The walls are three metres high. This is a photo of our family in the sitting-room. Look at it. You can see a table in the middle of the room. There is a small table with a TV set by the window to the left. There are several chairs, a sofa and a bookcase. The man sitting on the sofa and reading a newspaper is my father. The woman sitting in the chair is my mother and the woman standing by the TV is my sister. The boy and the girl playing with the dog on the floor are her children. The man watching the TV is my sister’s husband. We like spending time together.