Способы выражения обстоятельств
Обстоятельства выражаются следующими способами:
1. преимущественно наречием :
You work well.
Speak slowly and distinctly.
We live here.
The concert was very good yesterday.
2. существительным с предлогом и без предлога:
We walked three miles and then had a rest.
The old man may live for many years.
3. инфинитивом или герундием (одиночным или с зависимыми словами или оборотами):
We used chalk for writing.
You can improve your pronunciation by reading aloud.
The boy was too heavy for me to lift.
4. причастием или причастными оборотами (зависимыми и независимыми):
Placing the crib between ourselves we then went to bed.
My aunt and I were at that time vacating the two cottages at Highgate, I intending to go abroad and she (intending) to return to her house at Dover.
Сравнение с обстоятельством в русском языке
Обстоятельства, выраженные существительным без предлога в английском языке, во многих случаях не имеют соответствия в русском языке.
They advanced sword in hand (с мечом в руках).
The trees were trimmed English fashion (на английский манер).
The ship drove full sail (на всех парусах), и т. д.
Отсюда типичная ошибка русских учащихся: ‘in last year.’
Найдите обстоятельства. Определите их значение, средства их выражения, к какому члену предложения они относятся.
1) That box weighs ten pounds.
2) The shot went miles into the sea beyond the target.
3) Caesar, having conquered Gaul, then disciplined his legions, equipped his fleet, and sailed over to Britain.
4) With all his shortcomings this boy is a good boy.
5) Laughing and talking the young tourists started on their first walking tour.
6) I made haste for fear of being late.
7) This is a very good book.
8) You talk awfully quickly.